Ballot Dropbox Locations

You can either return your ballot by mail or take it to one of the many dropbox locations set up in our district. You can get a full list on the Secretary of State website.


Key Dates

July 19 – Start of 18-day primary voting period, ballots are mailed to addresses.
July 29 – Last day for online and mail voter registrations to be received to vote in the primary. You can still register to vote in person before 8:00PM on August 6 to vote in the primary.
August 6 – Primary Election Day, in-person ballots must be dropped off by 8:00PM.
October 18 Start of 18-day general election voting period, ballots are mailed to addresses.
October 18 – Start of 18-day general election voting period, ballots are mailed to addresses.
October 28 – Last day for online and mail voter registrations to be received to vote. You can still register to vote in person before 8:00PM on November 5 to vote.
November 5 – Election Day, in-person ballots must be dropped off by 8:00PM.